Legytma Schemas

Animated Container Widget Schema


Schema to validation of JSON used to parse Widget.

You can add all valid properties to complete validation.

Abstract Extensible Status Identifiable Custom Properties Additional Properties Access Restrictions Defined In
Can be instantiated No Unknown status No Forbidden Allowed none animated_container.schema.json

Animated Container Widget Type

object (Animated Container Widget)

all of

Animated Container Widget Properties

Property Type Required Nullable Defined by
type string Required cannot be null Animated Container Widget
alignment string Optional cannot be null Animated Container Widget
padding Unknown Type Optional cannot be null Animated Container Widget
color Merged Optional cannot be null Animated Container Widget
margin Merged Optional cannot be null Animated Container Widget
widthFactor Merged Optional cannot be null Animated Container Widget
heightFactor Merged Optional cannot be null Animated Container Widget
child object Optional cannot be null Animated Container Widget


Identify the widget type

Used to identify parser. Every parser can permit only one type


type Type

string (Type)

type Constraints

constant: the value of this property must be equal to:



Determine the alignment

Used to identify parser. Every parser can permit only one type


alignment Type

string (Alignment)

alignment Constraints

enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation

alignment Default Value

The default value is:


alignment Examples



Created by Windol [email protected] at 01/05/2020. Copyright (c) 2020 Legytma Soluções Inteligentes (https://legytma.com.br). All rights reserved.


padding Type

any of the folllowing: string or object (Edge Insets Geometry)

padding Default Value

The default value is:

  "type": "only",
  "bottom": 8


A number in format string or integer

Used to identify parser. Every parser can permit only one type


color Type

merged type (Color)

all of

color Default Value

The default value is:


color Examples



A number in format string or integer

Used to identify parser. Every parser can permit only one type


margin Type

merged type (Color)

all of

margin Default Value

The default value is:


margin Examples



Define the representation of double acceptable.

Used to identify parser. Every parser can permit only one type


widthFactor Type

merged type (Double)

one (and only one) of

widthFactor Constraints

maximum: the value of this number must smaller than or equal to: 1

minimum: the value of this number must greater than or equal to: 0

widthFactor Default Value

The default value is:



Define the representation of double acceptable.

Used to identify parser. Every parser can permit only one type


heightFactor Type

merged type (Double)

one (and only one) of

heightFactor Constraints

maximum: the value of this number must smaller than or equal to: 1

minimum: the value of this number must greater than or equal to: 0

heightFactor Default Value

The default value is:



Schema to validation of JSON used to parse Widget.

You can add all valid properties to complete validation.


child Type

object (Widget)